Wildlife Jewels WildlifeBots

Join us to protect our precious Wildlife!

About WildlifeBots:

Our WildlifeBots™ initiative is a pioneering effort that strives to unite global stakeholders, visionary technologists, and dedicated wildlife conservationists in the quest to protect our planet's precious wildlife. Our primary focus involves identifying innovative technologies to combat wildlife crime and aid in the rescue of distressed wildlife, contributing to their protection.

Our Core Objectives:

Identify and Spark Innovation: We believe in the power of collaboration. We work with global entities, technologists, and wildlife experts to identify emerging technologies from various sectors that can be swiftly adapted and reapplied for wildlife protection.Our goal is to ignite creative ideas and forge partnerships that can lead to innovative solutions for the protection of wildlife.

Deployment for Immediate Impact: Recognizing the urgency of the situation, where every second is crucial for wildlife, our vision is to identify technologies that have been tested and implemented in other sectors. These technologies can be re-applied and swiftly deployed on the front lines of wildlife protection.

Our Fundraising Initiatives:

Through our strategic campaigns, we strive to raise essential funds dedicated to procuring state-of-the-art technologies and systems designed to protect wildlife. These critical resources are then channeled to organizations actively engaged in wildlife protection efforts.

WildlifeBots Africa:

One of our primary focuses is the protection of precious African Wildlife. WildlifeBots Africa is dedicated to fundraising and empowering on-the-ground organizations with innovative technologies aimed at protecting wildlife, including elephants, lions, and rhinos, from criminal activities. The funds raised are specifically designated for acquiring advanced technologies. These tools are strategically deployed in game reserves, providing a crucial defense against poachers who pose a threat to the majestic rhino population.

WildlifeBots Rescue:

Our goal is to explore transformative technologies for discovering, rescuing, and treating injured wildlife. Through inspiring cross-sector collaborations, we aim to help stimulate innovations that can swiftly and efficiently retrieve and transport wounded animals to dedicated rehabilitation facilities.

Why the WildlifeBots Initiative?

By becoming a part of the WildlifeBots Initiative, you join a global movement dedicated to saving our planet's majestic wildlife from extinction. Our collaborative approach, coupled with identification and rapid reapplication of innovative technologies is essential in order to ensure we protect wildlife. Join us in the crucial mission to harness transformative technologies and protect wildlife from the brink of extinction.

WildlifeBots™ Collective Group

The objective of WildlifeBots Collective Group is to unite communities, visionaries and innovators across various sectors and industries, sparking transformative ideas for the application of game-changing technologies dedicated to the protection of wildlife.

Join the WildlifeBots™ Collective Group!


WildlifeBots™ Group is a private community group. To be considered, please fill out some info and we will get back to you soon!