Wildlife Jewels | Meet our Jewels

Meet Our Jewels™

Explore the magnificent wildlife that we have featured in our Wildlife Jewels® Collection. Each wildlife has a collection of Fine Arts & Fashion inspired by their natural beauty. Discover their story, delve into their exquisite beauty, intriguing behaviors, and the challenges they confront. Gain insights into how you can make a difference in protecting these incredible creatures by taking simple yet impactful actions in your daily life.

  • Discover the story of each unique wildlife that inspired our designs

  • Learn about the human-caused threats they faced

  • Learn about the species

  • Get inspired

  • Take action to protect wildlife

Meet Wildlife Jewels Rose Quartz the African Penguin

Rose Quartz the African Penguin

Meet “Rose Quartz the African Penguin”! Rose Quartz is a stunningly beautiful African Penguin we had the pleasure of meeting and photographing at a Wildlife Sanctuary. The African penguin (Spheniscus demersus), known for its captivating pink glands and monogamous nature, is sadly on the verge of extinction.

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah

Meet “Turquoise the Persian Cheetah”! Turquoise the Persian Cheetah is one of our original Wildlife Jewels® paintings taking inspiration from a magnificent Persian Cheetah. Sadly they are critically endangered with fewer than 12 left in the wild.

Rubellite the Elegant Tern

Meet “Rubellite the Elegant Tern”! Rubellite is a precious Elegant Tern who was a victim of the tragic incident that occurred in May 2021 and forced over 3,000 Elegant Terns to abandon their eggs. Sadly, Elegant Terns confront numerous human-induced threats, putting them at risk of potential endangerment. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are currently classified as "Near Threatened" (NT), signifying their vulnerability to endangerment in the near future.

Gray Sapphire the Gull

Meet “Gray Sapphire the Gull”, a gorgeous Western Gull who was found entangled in fishing gear and saran wrap. She had also swallowed a fishing hook. She is very lucky to have been rescued, rehabilitated, and released.

Thandi & Zolani Amethyst the Rhinos

Meet Thandi, a precious Rhino along with her latest calf Zolani. Thandi is a survivor of a brutal poaching attack, she is a mother to 5 calves and two grand-calves.

Events & Outreach

Explore our dynamic educational & outreach programs featuring workshops, webinars, newsletters, art showcases, fashion shows, presentations, and community engagement, all dedicated to wildlife conservation awareness.