Wildlife Jewels Turquoise the Cheetah

Meet “Turquoise the Persian Cheetah”

Our Wildlife Jewels Meet Our Jewels™ “Turquoise the Persian Cheetah” initiative sheds a light on the critically endangered Asiatic Cheetah. This initiative aims to inspire individuals to protect these majestic cats from extinction through a fusion of fine arts, fashion, education, while fostering innovative cheetah conservation programs

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah is one of our original paintings, inspired by a magnificent female Asiatic cheetah named Delbar“. Created in 2017, this artwork sparked a collection of fine art fashion pieces that have since expanded into our Wildlife Jewels educational and conservation programs. Sadly, Asiatic Cheetahs are critically endangered, with possibly fewer than 30-40 left in Iran.

“In January 2022, the Iranian Department of Environment estimated that there were only 12 Asiatic cheetahs comprising nine males and three females left in the country. In 2023, a member of the Iranian Cheetah Society referred to 30 to 40 individuals living in Iran.” Source: Wikipedia

Discover our inspiration, our emerging Cheetah conservation programs, our Wildlife Jewels® Turquoise the Cheetah Painting, her Conservation and Couture Collection, Fashion Shows and Exhibitions. Learn about the magnificent world of Persian Cheetahs, major threats to them and why they are racing towards extinction. Discover ways you can take impactful action to help protect the magnificent Persian Cheetah.

Wildlife Jewels Collections Turquoise the Cheetah Story

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah’s Story

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah is one of our original Wildlife Jewels® paintings taking inspiration from a critically endangered Persian Cheetah.

The Asiatic Cheetah also known as Persian Cheetah, once found across the Arabian Peninsula to the Indian subcontinent, is now on the brink of extinction. It is currently only found in the central plateau of Iran. In 2022 it was known that fewer than 12 cheetahs left in the wild, as of 2023, possibly 30-40 left in Iran. The Asiatic Cheetah is critically endangered.

Wildlife Jewels Collections Turquoise the Cheetah Story

What inspired the creation of Turquoise the Persian Cheetah painting:

“I was deeply moved by a dream in 2017 where I encountered several Cheetahs, including three cubs, sitting regally atop a mountain. From afar, they appeared vivid and lifelike, but as I moved close to them, they transformed into stone statues. This dream prompted me to research Cheetahs, leading me to discover the Asiatic, or Persian Cheetah and I found the story and photo of Delbar, a magnificent female Persian Cheetah. At that time, there were fewer than 50 of these majestic creatures known to exist in the wild, primarily in Iran's central plateau. Today, sadly, the population has dwindled to less than 30-40 individuals.”

— Azi Sharif, Founder & Executive Director at Wildlife Jewels®

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah’s Painting

The majestic “Turquoise The Persian Cheetah” is painted by Azi on canvas in a proud and powerful pose, and is decorated with a crown and jewels inspired by ancient Persian motifs. Painting size is 36" x 48" Acrylic Paint on canvas.

The painting was originally painted in 2017 as part of the Wildlife Jewels® Fine Arts Collection. Shortly after, the Wildlife Jewels® Fine Arts Collection expanded to couture fashion and capsule collections featuring Turquoise The Persian Cheetah aimed at raising awareness and funds for the protection of the Asiatic Cheetah.

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah’s Capsule Conservation Collection: Artistry, Fashion, and Persian Cheetah Conservation

Shop to directly support protection of Cheetahs. 100% of proceeds go towards our Cheetah conservation and education programs.

Wildlife Jewels Collections Turquoise the Cheetah Conservation Programs

Cheetah Conservation Programs

Contact us to learn about our emerging Cheetah Conservation programs aimed at protecting and preserving the magnificent Asiatic Cheetah.

Turquoise the Persian Cheetah’s Couture Fashion Exhibitions

Join us as we exhibit our paintings and fashion designs featuring Turquoise the Persian Cheetah at art galleries, fashion shows and conservation events. Discover the story of the magnificent Persian Cheetah and learn about the threats they are facing as a result of human activities.

About the Asiatic Cheetah

Learn about the Asiatic Cheetah! Discover the fascinating species, the threats they are facing and ways you can take action to help save them from extinction!

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Wildlife Jewels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and operates on donations. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Would you be interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to express your support for our mission to protect wildlife from human-caused threats?