• Wildlife Jewels ™ Wildlife Rescue

    Wildlife Rescue

Let’s save our precious wildlife!

Program Description

Our Wildlife Rescue program is our response to the growing crisis faced by wildlife today. From rising water temperatures to ocean pollution, from domoic acid crises to entanglement in fishing gear, wildlife is under unprecedented threat. It's essential to better organize and prepare for wildlife rescue swiftly. Our program’s vision is built upon strong collaborations with international partners, rehabilitation groups, and pioneering technologists. Together, we aim to revolutionize the discovery, rescue, and treatment of wounded wildlife, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to ensure the swift and efficient retrieval and transport of injured animals to dedicated rehabilitation facilities.

The Problem

The absence of a coordinated and organized process for rescuing injured and orphaned wildlife presents a significant threat to wildlife. Have you ever stumbled upon an injured wild animal and felt helpless, not knowing whom to contact or how to provide assistance? Even when you are aware of rescue organizations, the complexities of coordinating capture and transfer can be overwhelming. What if you discover an injured pelican on the beach late in the evening when most rescue facilities are closed?

Furthermore, during crises like oil spills or domoic acid outbreaks, there is no established system for systematically locating and rescuing affected wildlife. The absence of an organized search and rescue approach leaves many animals at risk. The timing of rescue is often crucial and can determine whether a sick animal survives. This is especially pertinent in the face of the numerous threats currently endangering our wildlife, including fishing hook entanglements, vehicle collisions, nest falls from tree trimming, ocean pollution, and impacts from oil spills, among others.

We are deeply passionate about filling this critical gap. Our commitment is to collaborate with diverse entities, technologists, philanthropists, government agencies, and rehabilitators to develop and implement a swift and efficient process for locating and rescuing injured wildlife.

Some ways you can get involved:

Join our Sweep & Rescue Wildlife walks, where you can clean up trash while learning about threats to wildlife and how to spot injured wildlife.

Additionally, you can participate in our Wildlife Watch Program, where you join our team of volunteers to monitor marine protected areas and beaches along the Southern California coast. Help keep an eye on wildlife and educate individuals if you observe anyone harming wildlife.

Take Action: Join our Wildlife Jewels® Rescue Collective Group

Join the “Wildlife Jewels Rescue Collective” and unite to protect our precious wildlife together!

Explore our Wildlife Rescue Initiatives and Updates

Wildlife Jewels Partnerships

To develop and implement transformative processes and innovations, collaboration across organizations is imperative. We are committed to fostering partnerships to jointly develop, and implement processes and innovations to swiftly rescue our precious wildlife. To find out more about our programs and partnership opportunities Contact Us!

Contact us for partnership and collaboration opportunities!

Our Projects

Marine Debris Cleanup and Wildlife Tales

Our Marine Debris Cleanup and Wildlife Tales initiative provide a distinctive chance to make a significant impact on marine conservation while delving into the experiences of distinctive marine life that have been affected by human activities. Through cleanup activities and captivating narratives, you'll play a vital role in preserving our oceans and nurturing a stronger sense of responsibility for our natural world. Join us in protecting these incredible creatures by taking small actions every day.

Collab For Wildlife™

Our Collab For Wildlife™ Group serves as a space for uniting wildlife advocates, philanthropists, technologists, researchers, policy makers, artists, scientists, lawyers, passionate individuals, and dedicated organizations, all with a shared mission: to PROTECT WILDLIFE. Within this space, we aim to ignite synergies, kindle transformative ideas, and nurture collaborations that will ensure the safety and preservation of wildlife.