Sneak Peek into the World of Wildlife Jewels Collections Penguins for World Penguin Day!

Wildlife Jewels Penguins and World Penguin Day

Photo: Three of the new Wildlife Jewels Collections Penguins sketch drawings by ©WildlifeJewelsCollections

We're thrilled to share a sneak peek into the world of Wildlife Jewels Collections Penguins on this World Penguin Day! These sketches, created by our Executive Director back in 2003, are now being transformed into stunning Wildlife Jewels Collections paintings and educational works of art!

Each sketch is brimming with inspiration from some of the most iconic penguin species, including the precious African Penguin, whose population is sadly at risk of extinction. Additionally, we're drawing inspiration from the majestic rockhopper penguin and the regal king penguin, among others.

Stay tuned as we continue to bring these sketches to life and unveil our Wildlife Jewels Penguin Collection! Join us in celebrating World Penguin Day and honoring these incredible creatures.

Learn about the penguins that inspired our designs and discover how you can take action to protect these incredible creatures. Keep an eye out for updates and get ready to dive into the fascinating world of Wildlife Jewels® Collections Penguins!


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